DH Lawrence, Poet – with Graham Fawcett

I was so lost in the beauty of Graham’s and Lawrence’s words (it’s often hard to spot the boundary between Graham’s own words and the poems he reads…) and the lovely stillness of St Margaret’s Crypt, that I forgot all about modern technology and didn’t take any pictures… I’ll try to remember next time, on November 1st when the mood will change with the poetry of WH Auden.

I will also try to make online booking easier – apologies to those who found it difficult and unsatisfactory (irritating? infuriating?)

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Dear poetry friends,

Please save two dates to hear some remarkable poetry at the wonderful West Greenwich Library in the autumn…

OCTOBER 8th – a celebration of the natural world and (slightly late) of National Poetry Day – with Alex Josephy, Jane McLaughlin, Derrick Porter and Jude Rosen.

NOVEMBER 26th – an evening with poets who write in English while English is not their native language – with Natan Barreto, Isabel Bermudez and Kostya Tsolakis (and perhaps more).

More information about both events and all the poets will be posted soon.

In the meanwhile, I wish you all a happy, healthy time, the right amount of sunshine and better world news…
