WH Auden with Graham Fawcett

Oh I did it again… Or rather I didn’t do it again! No photos of this exciting, stimulating and illuminating event at St Margaret’s crypt in Blackheath.

And, of course, Graham Fawcett did it again… I mean he had the large audience spellbound from beginning to end with his wit and erudition, weaving together all the facets of this twinkling, chain-smoking, complex, wordsmithing and, above all, loving poet. He conveyed the joy of hearing Auden live five times, and being so awestruck once when in a small crowd gathered Auden in a pub that later he couldn’t even remember being there, let alone what had been said.

I wish I could remember everything Graham said. After his talks I am always left with a desire to learn more. If you want to see Graham’s programme of lectures and events, go to www.grahamfawcett.co.uk

Many thanks to Guy, Jenny and Cilla from St Margaret’s church for all their help.


Dear poetry friends,

Please save two dates to hear some remarkable poetry at the wonderful West Greenwich Library in the autumn…

OCTOBER 8th – a celebration of the natural world and (slightly late) of National Poetry Day – with Alex Josephy, Jane McLaughlin, Derrick Porter and Jude Rosen.

NOVEMBER 26th – an evening with poets who write in English while English is not their native language – with Natan Barreto, Isabel Bermudez and Kostya Tsolakis (and perhaps more).

More information about both events and all the poets will be posted soon.

In the meanwhile, I wish you all a happy, healthy time, the right amount of sunshine and better world news…
